Monday, October 24, 2011

He Ain't Black Jesus

Ok let me start by saying I am a supporter of our President. I can't say that I have been pleased with all of the decisions he has made this term but he is still making strides. He has had some pretty big hoorah moments like the assassination of Osama Bin Laden and the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. I will admit that I am not impressed by some of his actions but I am still proud to say that 3 years ago I stood in line for 2 hours with tears in my eyes to vote for our first "black" President. (the quotes are for the mixed heritage I recognize)

I must say though, my feathers get a little ruffled when I hear people speak too critically of our President. Yes, I agree he should push Congress a little more, be a little more direct, be a lot more forceful, show his balls, as it were. But look at what he is working with: a weak Democratic party that whines and moans with everything he says; a Republican party that stoops to lying and name calling every time he opens his mouth; the fact that he is the first minority president and is under constant scrutiny do to that fact; and an apathetic public that complains that not enough is being done, but does nothing to push what is needed along. It must be frustrating for him - people expect him to walk on water and heal this sick country but I have a newsflash: He Ain't Black Jesus. Obama is not our salvation. He was a change machine to remind us that we can change, that we desperately need change. How little we forget his acceptance speech - he clearly said he can't make things change alone. And yet, like a red headed step child, he has found himself alone on a lot of the changes he has tried to make.

I keep saying to anyone who will listen, we will need to take charge of the change we want and not wait for anyone else to give it to us or create it.  The vast majority of politicians aren’t looking out for the best interest of the people. And even if they are, they are doing it alone. Instead of complaining and waiting, we should get off of our collective asses and do something about it. I’m just saying. Stop waiting for Obama to turn our water in to wine and get out there and make some miracles happen in your own community.

Ok. I am jumping off my soap box, for now. Go and be the change you want to see and see if it doesn’t catch on. :)

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