Today I met a dog named Duke who belongs to a nice older man in my area. Duke and his owner live in the ever-growing tent city behind my local Home Depot. Duke's owner explained to me that he was trying to pick up odd jobs to feed himself and Duke but mainly Duke because since they have found themselves homeless, Duke keeps him safe at night in their tent. Duke and his owner were a reminder to me how far we, in this country, have gotten away from what matters most. Our focus has become diluted with arguments that are fruitless. We have overlooked the most basic of our directives - to care for one another. There are too many people hungry, homeless, jobless, without hope and in need in a country that claims to be the best country in the world. Tonight, as I go to sleep in my bed, stomach full, and a roof over my head, my thoughts will be about Duke, his owner and the people in this country that get overlooked every day.
This post turned in to a discussion about homelessness in our country and how people could help Duke and his owner. It was a great outpouring of love for an unknown man and his dog. I even hod one of my friends drive to my hometown to try and find Duke and his owner!
We all have the opportunity, ability and responsibility to help each other. Instead of complaining about what is not being done - we need to go out and do it ourselves.
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